Katie Witcomb
I am a cross-cutting creative that has deep knowledge and curiosity on a vast range of artistic solutions. I am enthusiastic in both my degree and in day to day life, I take pride in always being the person to brighten the mood and create an open, honest environment where people can speak freely about what they believe in. I love to enter into discussions where people have differing opinions to me and gage understandings from all perspectives. I wear my heart on my sleeve, a sleeve that has usually been bought from eBay and I will always be the tipsy girl in the toilets making friends with an unfiltered but kind voice. I own a happy go lucky attitude which means I am hard working and take things in my stride. I will tackle each obstacle thrown at me but keep a positive head for the future. This has meant I am often complimented when working in groups and teams but equally have a strong sense of self and can develop my own ideas and opinions to create successful outcomes.
BA (H) Fashion Communication & Promotion